Saturday, February 9, 2013

The New Year

Family Field, Guanyin, Taiwan from This Chinese Life- Return to Guanyin
It's Chinese new year's eve. It's a time for gathering with family and I won't see mine until a week or two from now. I miss them dearly, especially my sister's girls. In addition to my family here, I think about my family in Taiwan and China all the time. It's hard to go years without seeing loved ones. Two parts of a project I've been working on, This Chinese Life, is dedicated to them.

A poignant film that centers around the migrant population during the Chinese New Year is Last Train Home. My summer in China riding through provinces on crowded trains prepared me for some of the hardships and circumstances but it is still a hard film to watch. The story is all too common. Another Chinese film worth noting is Stolen Life.

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