Monday, November 19, 2012

Clyde Minzenberg

We have adopted the thirteen year old family chocolate lab, Clyde, to live with us full-time. Ross and I both grew up with dogs and we've always wanted to adopt a dog. Having Clyde with us at our new little apartment in Western PA makes it feel like home. Clyde is a sweetheart. He is great with kids and has a gentle disposition.

Since he's a bit of a senior, he sleeps just about all day except during his walks and when he's eating. He has some joint issues but gets around well enough (we've started giving him fish oil to try and ease that pain). He plops down where ever we are working and just wants to be near us.
We run lots of errands and take Clyde with us in the back of the car (or truck) so that he's not left alone at home.
Though it's a commitment with lots of work and maintenance, we're pretty lucky to have him by our sides. We are extremely grateful that he is our constant companion. We love you Clyde!


Unknown said...

I had no idea you had Clyde there!!
Give him a big hug and kiss for me :) I'm sure he loves being with you two.

Rona Chang said...

We just gave him many hugs and kisses for you. He's a happy camper! Your dad is also taking part in Clyde's life. We took Clyde on a walk together last night.